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My Teaching 

I've learned from and interacted with so many wonderful plant people, who have impacted how I practice herbalism. The diversity of their perspectives have deeply enriched my own relationship with this art/craft, and I deeply thank and acknowledge them for their sharing and journeys on their herbal paths--I hope I can carry their words and knowledge forward (even just a third of what they know)....may I be blessed with the same passion and enthusiasm they inspire for the Green Nations: Rosemary Gladstar, Robin Rose Bennett, Phyllis Light,  Isla Burgess, Stephen Buhner, Matthew Wood, David Winston, and others.
The Green Nations--the food and medicine plants--are wonderful teachers; it is through the development of relationship and co-creative partnership with plants that my growing, loving, learning, trusting, and understanding plants capacities to heal physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually have most evolved.  
My classes cover a variety of topics from identification, medicinal uses,  ethics, folklore, preparation, and generally include an extensive handout thoroughly explaining the information and ideas covered in that class. I share in a fun and easy-going, sometimes humorous manner that makes understanding and using herbs for yourself accessible to everyone. Books can be daunting and confusing so getting first hand guidance with making remedies and plant identification is something my students enjoy. I teach each class to stand on its own, so  someone can come at any time without prior experience.  Questions are always welcome.   I try to offer classes that are affordable. Herbal medicine has always been medicine of the people; wise women taught woman to woman, village to village, powerful and empowering....and that is my view of teaching today--to teach you so that you can do this for yourself.
I'd love to see you at class and so would the plants.

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