Prairie Magic Products
.I create small batch herbal products that I use for myself, focusing on fresh, local plants I lovingly grow in healing partnership. I am passionate about sustainable bioregional plants, so prefer to use plant infused oil vs essential oils. A Wise Woman Tradition herbalist, my focus is on nourishing , mutual care, collaboration, appreciation for our bodies, and taking the time to rejuvenate ourselves and care for the earth. Note: If you are on other medications/ drugs, or are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a diagnosed medical condition, please consult your health care professional before taking any herbs/botanicals or products.
Summer Season Products
Herbal Bye Bye Bug Spray -- Deters Mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, noseeums, biting insects.
Fun In The Sun Natural Sun Balm
Skin nourishing Ultra-moisturizing cream for when you are in the sun. Plant based oils and shea butter with non-nano zinc oxide that sits on top of the skin and creates a reflective barrier for damaging sun rays * Reapply throughout the day with repeated sun exposure or more often when sweating or getting wet.
Winter Seasonal Cold/Flu Relief
Ear Oil --infused oil eases ear aches, cold in ears, ear pain. 1/2 oz.
Prairie Ease The Pain Spray Topical use of these Plant Infused Oils for muscle & joint soreness, aches, stiffness, inflammation/swelling from pain conditions or just overdoing in gardening,etc.
Elderberry Herbal Liquid Extract and Elderberry Syrup from my handpicked berries (Sambucus canadensis)
Elecampane root (Inula helenium) deep lung, respiratory support
Yarrow Liquid Extract (Achillea millefolium)
Soothing Ahh Throat Spray---eases sore throat, hoarseness, irritation
Herbal Steam Decongestant
Aromatic herbs in steam loosen mucus, ease stuffed up noses, coughs and chest congestion to make breathing easier. Directions for use as a steam to beathe, use as steam in a pan on stove, or use as a foot bath.
Herbal Chest Rub Topical. Helps relieve chest, cold and head/nasal congestion and ease breathing. Contains no petroleum.
Herb/Plant Infused Oils
Topical use as massage oil, rub or can be added to foot soak, compress etc...(note: these are not essential oils)
Calendula Blossom Oil (Calendula Officinalis)
Chickweed(Stellaria Media)
Comfrey leaf (Symphytum)
Dandelion blossom (Taraxacum)
Elder flower Oil (Sambucus sp)
Lavender oil (Lavandula sp)
Lemon Balm (Melissa)
Monarda/Bee Balm (Monarda fistulosa sp)
Mugwort/Cronewort Oil (Artemisia vulgaris)
Mullein flower single or as Ear Oil Compound
Plantain leaf(PLANTAGO MAJOR)
Red Clover (TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE) temp out of stock
Rosemary (Rosmarinus)
St Johns Wort/St Joan's /Hypericum Oil
Yarrow (Achillea) oil
Yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis)
Moontime Oil Topical oil of infused plants to ease moontime cramps, soreness, honor women's wisdom
Salves and Balms
Wise Woman All Purpose Salve--An all purpose salve for soothing"Boo Boos", cuts, scrapes, bug bites, skin irritation, pimples, rashes, mild burn, dry hands and feet, diaper rash. I use this on my dogs cracked paw pads in winter. This salve contains more skin nourishing/moisturizing plants than most.
Antifungal Salve Topical for fungal skin issues, athlete's foot, ringwom,etc.
Black Drawing Salve
Topical to draw out splinters, slivers, thorns, stingers. Plant based dawing, healing with additional bentonite clay and activated charcoal.
Herbal Lip Cold Sore Balm apply at tingling, itching to dry up and heal blisters
Soothing BUMmeroid Balm ---eases soreness and pain ,itching, cools burn
Hearts Ease/Grief Relief--topical plant spirit healing balm to ease grief,loss, transitions. Heart chakra plants to aid in release,letting go, finding peace,comfort, restoring emotional balance.
Dream/Journey Balm aids in enhancing awareness and intuition; dreamtime, communing with plants, meditation,shamanic journeys,etc.
LIP Balm Tube or tin ¼ oz
Breast Massage Balm Wise women prefer to nourish our breasts with self-massage rather than fearfully looking for lumps.
Herbal Vapors Rub --Helps relieve chest, cold and head/nasal congestion and ease breathing. Contains no petroleum.
Herb Supplement Liquid Extracts (Tinctures) and Elixirs
* These statements/products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As everything is made is small batches from fresh plant that is hand harvested, please inquire about availability.
Burdock root (Articum Lappa)
Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
Chickweed (Stellaria media)
Cleavers (Galium aparine)
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Echinacea (Echinacea sp)
Elderberry (Sambucus)
Elder Flower (Sambucus)
Elecampane (Inula helenium)
Goldenrod (Solidago)
Lemon Balm (Melissa) Tincture
Mimosa Tincture blossoms (Albizia)
Monarda Bee Balm, Sweet Leaf Tincture
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)
Mullein leaf (Verbascum)
Mullein flower
Oats-Milky Oats (Avena sativa)
Rose Wild (rosa rugosa) petal and hips
Rose Elixir
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
St John's Wort (Hypericum )
Spilanthes (out of stock)
Wild Lettuce
Yellow Dock
Face and Body
No Talc Body Powder
No talc. No corn starch. Powder to nourish your skin and keep it silky smooth and dry. Choose from lavender/rose from plants I grow. Or Autumn Spice from organic spices and patchouli resin.
Under Eye Cream
Refresh and hydrate under eyes...soothing puffiness, dark bags...tightening with elder, rose and more botanicals.
Love From The Garden Face and Skin Lotion
Nourishing silky face and body cream absorbs quickly without greasy residue. Blossoms and oils moisturize, improve circulation, promote hydration and rejuvenate skin.* With calendula, lavender and rose petals.
Herbal Skin Toner
Blend of skin nourishing plants and witch hazel; For all skin types & beneficial for oily or acne prone skin. Gently tones, tightens pores, soothes skin, & balances the skin*s pH. Apply toner on cotton ball and gently rub on face & neck. Avoid broken skin or sensitive areas or contact with eyes. Skin patch test if sensitive. Keep out of reach of children. Do not ingest.
Facial Cleansing Blend
with blossoms, leaf, and gentle exfoliators to Soften, tone, nourish, remove impurities and soothe your face with this gentle facial scrub cleanser. Mix 1/2 tsp with water,yogurt or honey for a mask & or apply & rinse with water. Contains No essential oils.